Compact, Lightweight 200W + 200W Distribution Power Amp for Installed Systems

The XH200 is the ideal distribution power amp for use with numerous high-impedance speakers in theatre, hall, and conference facility installations. In addition to being remarkably lightweight, the XH200 is a compact 2U size that will fit comfortably in just about any installation. This combination of high power output and small size has been realized through the use of an advanced switching power supply. The XH200 also features a monitor/remote connector that allows remote status monitoring and control from an external device.

XH200 Power Amplifier

Amplificatorul de distribuţie furnizează 200 watts + 200 watts şi este compatibil cu liniile de 100V şi 70V.

Culorile și finisajele afișate pot diferi de cele ale produselor reale.