YTR-3335 Trompete Bb

Reversed tuning slide

Reversed tuning slide enables easy blowing and smooth and comfortable feel in playing. picture: YTR-3335S

Gold brass bell

The newly redesigned, durable yet light two-piece bell is made of gold brass for a wide range of tone colours and to promote good technique and endurance.

Piston, piston caps and buttons

Highly durable monel alloy pistons as well as piston buttons and bottom caps help lengthen the life of the instrument while also maximizing sound quality. Picture shows the YTR-4435GSII.

Tuning slides

The 2nd and main tuning slides are produced using the same method as high-end Yamaha models, which provides stability, a more refined tonal color and added durability.


Main tuning brace lets sound more focus and hold together.