YAS-280 Saxofon Alto

Saxofoanele 280 le oferă celor aflați la început de drum muzical un instrument de încredere. Ele oferă un sunet specific de saxofon strălucitor, cu o intonație excelentă și câteva caracteristici surprinzătoare de înaltă calitate pentru un instrument entry-level.


Finish: Gold lacquer


Finish: Silver-plated


New neck receiver with a durable screw

A redesigned neck receiver promotes a quick response and ease of play while also increasing the durability of the mechanism.

Improved Low B-C# connection

An improved mechanism from low B-C# ensures the consistent closing of the low C# key and promotes a clear response from notes in the low range of the instrument.

Adjustable thumb-rest

All Yamaha saxophones feature an adjustable thumb-rest to allow for precise and comfortable hand and fingering position.

62 shape

62 shape

Traditional body shape is adopted which makes the sound brighter and playing feel lighter.

Ergonomic key layout

Key layout is designed to fit to humans' hands. This helps players concentrate on their performance without feeling stress.

Regular key posts

This style of key posts reduces the resistance and makes the instrument easier to sound.

Two-piece bell

Two-piece bell

Two pieces of brass sheets are jointed together by the hands of craftsmen, then shaped to the bell with a machine.

J-style key guard

J-style key guard

J-style integrated key guard protects the keys and pads from accidental damages.

Improved low B-C# connection

Improved low B-C# connection

An improved mechanism from low B-C# connection ensures the consistent closing of the low C# key and promotes a clear response from notes in the low range of the instrument.

Case (ASC-200EII)

Case (ASC-200EII)

Semi-hard case offers a contemporary look and greater ease of transport.

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