Smart Pianist

Vă puteți bucura și mai mult de experința interpretării la pian cu Smart Pianist, o aplicație dedicată dispozitivelor inteligente care oferă diverse funcții conexe muzicii, atunci când este conectată la un pian Yamaha compatibil.

*Funcțiile și afișajele diferă în funcție de instrument, dispozitiv inteligent și versiunea aplicației pe care o utilizați.

* Pentru utilizatorii Android: vă rugăm să consultați lista de dispozitive Android compatibile, enumerate mai jos

*Dacă utilizați iPad pro de 12,9 inchi a treia generație sau iPad pro de 11 inchi, vă rugăm să utilizați adaptorul multiport Apple USB-C Digital AV sau adaptorul multiport Apple USB-C VGA. Pentru mai multe informații, consultați manualul de conectare iPhone/iPad disponibil mai jos.

Smart Pianist

Indiferent de cântecul interpretat. Singura aplicație dedicată pentru tine.


A score for a song will be delivered to you online every month. Enjoy playing it with the Smart Pianist function!

What can you do when connected to Smart Pianist?

1. Enjoy playing your favorite songs

1. Enjoy playing your favorite songs

Play the preset songs

Play the preset songs

You can play up to 400 classical, pop and practice songs together with the score.

Just connect to Smart Pianist to enjoy these for free.

*The number and content of songs available vary by model.

Add your favorite songs

Add your favorite songs

You can add commercially available PDF scores and then view them on the screen as you play.

You can listen to automatically generated reference performances.

What’s more, you can even add audio data and view an automatically generated cord chart.

Use convenient functions

Use convenient functions

You can use a variety of functions, such as part cancelling, tempo changes, and recording.

This lets you practice in many different ways, such as playing one hand at a time, or playing slowly.

2. Control your sounds intuitively

2. Control your sounds intuitively

Change the type of piano and the performance space with ease

Change the type of piano and the performance space with ease

Swipe the illustrations of pianos and backgrounds left and right to change piano types and performance spaces.

You can experience the feeling of performing in a range of venues, such as in a concert hall or a club.

Choose from a variety of voices

Choose from a variety of voices

In addition to the piano, you can choose from a variety of other voices to use and play.

The lists include illustrations to make it easy for you to choose the voice you want.

*The number and type of voices available vary by model.

Layer and split voices

Layer and split voices

Simply tap the screen to layer voices or assign different voices to the left and right hands.

A single screen lets you know what kind of instrument you are using.

3. Play with a virtual backing band (Only for CSP Series, P-S500)

3. Play with a virtual backing band (Only for CSP Series, P-S500)

Liven up your performance

Liven up your performance

Smart Pianist adds automatic accompaniment (Styles) to match your performance.

You can change the pattern of the accompaniment to match the mood of your performance.

Play with a range of Styles

Play with a range of Styles

Choose from up to 500 Styles to play with.

Enjoy playing in a range of musical genres, including rock, jazz, and world music.

*The number and content of Styles vary by model.

Learn More

*The functions and displays differ depending on your instrument, smart device, and the version of the App you are using.

Culorile și finisajele afișate pot diferi de cele ale produselor reale.