Repertoire Finder - Specificații - Aplicații - Piane - Instrumente muzicale - Produse - Yamaha - România

Repertoire Finder Discontinuu

Repertoire Finder
Note Compatible Instruments: Please refer to “Related Products” in the Overview.
Compatible Devices iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5, iPod touch (4th/5th Generation), iPad (3rd/4th generation), iPad2 (2nd generation), iPad mini
Compatible OS Requires iOS 6.0 or later
Language English
  • * You can connect your instrument using Yamaha i-MX1 (to MIDI terminals) or Yamaha i-UX1 (to [USB TO HOST] terminal) or wireless LAN (CVP-605/609 only).
    * In case of iPhone 5 / iPod touch; 5th generation / iPad; 4th generation / iPad mini, Apple Lightning to 30-pin Adapter required.