
4 Fadere

- Controler universal cu 4 potențiometre.

- Each fader has two assignable controls with “control change no.”, ”parameter range” and “channel number”.

- Valorile minime şi maxime se pot atribui pentru fiecare control change.

- Modul de învăţare va primi semnal MIDI de la un dispozitiv MIDI extern şi va atribui în mod automat parametrii.


- Customizable skins (PM1D and MOTIF XF) available.

- You can choose your own look for the faders, panel, scribble strip and scale.


* Yamaha MOTIF XF offers you WiFi connectivity which enables wireless control.

* If you use the Yamaha i-MX1 iPhone / iPad MIDI Interface, you can connect to any MIDI instrument.

* In order to have the WiFi connection, you need to get an OS updater for MOTIF XF from www.yamahasynth.com and buy a compatible Wi-Fi USB adapter.

* Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPad, iPhone, iPod touch are trademark of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.