Știri & Evenimente

Yamaha Delivers Five Star Sound At Borgo Dei Conti’s New Outdoor Cinema

Set in 20 hectares of rolling central Italian countryside, the exclusive, five star Relais&Châteaux Borgo Dei Conti Resort marries a historic location with its Natural Wellness® programme for psychophysical wellbeing. Recently enlarged and sympathetically restored, a new high quality outdoor cinema includes Yamaha loudspeakers and audio management.

Growing need for hybrid meetings in schools and companies alike

The Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University plays a central role in theoretical physics education and research in Japan.

Proiectul Yamaha ”Dear Glenn” câștigă medalia de argint la prestigiosul festival internațional de creativitate Cannes Lions

Yamaha Corporation anunță că Proiectul său ”Dear Glenn”, lansat pentru a explora viitorul muzicii prin utilizarea inteligenței artificiale, a fost distins cu Leul de Argint în categoria Entertainment Lions for Music la Festivalul Internațional de Creativitate Cannes Lions 2021, care a avut loc online între 21 iunie - 25 iunie, fiind cea mai mare reuniune a industriei publicității și a comunicațiilor creative din întreaga lume.

Yamaha Reaches New Heights At Major Swiss Climbing Centre

Opened in Spring 2021, Gaswerk Wädenswil is claimed to be one of the largest climbing gyms in the world. Yamaha equipment is making sure that the gym’s background music, announcements and paging - distributed via a redundant Dante network to locations spread across six floors - offer flexible routing and rock steady reliability.

ProVisionaire Control/Touch V3.9.0 Released.

New feature: Now supports IDK digital multi-switcher MSD-S series MSD-S72, MSD-S71, MSD-S52 and MSD-S51.

Philharmonie Luxembourg Doubles Its RIVAGE PM Presence

In 2016, Luxembourg City’s Philharmonie Luxembourg became the first European classical concert venue to permanently install a Yamaha RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system. It proved such a success that, in 2020, it added a RIVAGE PM7.

Version 5.0 Firmware Brings New Features, Control and Compatibility To RIVAGE PM Digital Mixing Systems

Yamaha has released the latest firmware for its RIVAGE PM series digital mixing systems, Version 5.0, which includes significant new features, functionality and a brand new Rupert Neve Designs (RND) Master Buss Processor plug-in.

Yamaha adds ST2110-30 support to RIVAGE PM Series Digital Mixing system

With the latest firmware update of the RIVAGE PM series digital mixing system, SMPTE ST2110-30 is now supported in combination with standard Dante functions.

RIVAGE PM7 oferă încredere totală teatrului din Freiburg

Fondat în 1866, Teatrul Freiburg este cel mai vechi și mai mare teatru din Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, sud-vestul Germaniei. Mutându-se în sediul actual în 1910, la fel ca multe teatre, a cunoscut o serie aproape continuă de schimbări și renovări, unele mai reușite decât altele. Cel mai recent, instalarea a două sisteme digitale de mixare Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 au adus liniștea sufletească atât de necesară responsabilului cu sunetul, Jonas Gottschall, și echipei sale tehnice.

Remote conferencing systems are essential for the new normal conference rooms

Audio Video Communications Ltd has set up their booth featuring “ADECIA”, at Digital Signage Japan 2021.