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Anul Nou este în mod tradițional momentul în care ne facem bilanțul, hotărâm să trăim mai productiv, mai semnificativ și, în cele din urmă, să avem o viață mai împlinită. Și ce modalitate mai bună ar putea fi de a declanșa creativitatea latentă și de a cunoaște oameni noi, interesanți, decât aceea de a te implica în muzică. Dar de unde să încep?

DZR / DXS XLF Series Firmware V1.3.0 / V1.3.1 Released

This update contains additional functions based on hardware changes, and it fixes some bugs. Please read the notice.

Yamaha RIVAGE PM7 Is The Perfect Fit For Foals’ Nigel Pepper

Changing audio mixing systems is a big decision for live engineers. It can be fraught with difficulty, especially if the specifications don't match the hands-on experience. But, as Foals front of house engineer Nigel Pepper discovered, Yamaha’s RIVAGE PM series completely lives up to its promise.

Serving Up Gourmet Experiences at Kevin Fehling’s The Table and Puzzle Bar

Nearly 30 years ago, Kevin Fehling set out on a journey to pursue his passion for food. Now a Michelin three-star chef, the result of many years of hard work is Hamburg’s The Table restaurant and its companion Puzzle Bar. Complementing their gourmet food and cocktails, the vision of Kevin and partner Dennis Ilies ensures that their ambience and customer experience are rated just as highly.

Yamaha and Molto Music Reach New Heights At The Dorchester

Bringing new, fresh live music to places where people don't expect it is the mission of London-based Molto Music. With a flagship project on the roof of The Dorchester, one of the city’s most prestigious hotels, the company is working closely with Yamaha to expand its ‘pop up’ live venues throughout the city.

PX Series Firmware V1.63 Released

New feature: Added the speaker Processor Library of CHR Series.

Good Taste Meets Good Sound

Yamaha's ADECIA audio solution provides optimal sound for conferences and product presentations in LGV Sonnengemüse's multifunctional room with integrated show kitchen.

YVC-330 Firmware Version 1.21 Released.

New firmware Ver.1.21 fixed the problem on YVC API.

Grupul Yamaha a fost premiat cu prestigiosul scor „A” pentru schimbările climatice de către CDP

Yamaha Corporation a fost recunoscută ca fiind liderul în sustenabilitatea corporativă de către organizația globală non-profit de mediu CDP, asigurându-și un loc în prestigioasa „Lista A” pentru combaterea schimbărilor climatice.

Modest Budget, Big Ambitions: RIVAGE PM3 Mixes Vanara The Musical World Premiere

At the end of October London’s Hackney Empire theatre was the setting for the world premiere of Vanara The Musical, a timely tale of environmental disaster and tribal conflict with a message of hope and unity. Sound operator Ollie Dudman mixed Olly Steel’s sound design on a Yamaha RIVAGE PM3 digital mixing system.