Știri & Evenimente

Embracing the Senses - Immersive Experience at new Yamaha Brand Base

In June 2024, Yamaha opened a new brand base in Minato Mirai, Yokohama. Welcoming more than 100,000 people in its first month through word of mouth and social media coverage alone, Active Field Control (AFC) systems help to fully immerse visitors in a sensory world of sound, sight and feel.

Yamaha PoE switch installed at Teikyo University Hospital, Mizoguchi

Placing the least stress on a patient’s body is a key part of all medical procedures. In X-ray fluoroscopy, a new examination format uses cutting-edge technology to bring the information from multiple devices together, allowing medical staff to easily see everything they need to know. At a Japanese hospital, Yamaha intelligent PoE switches are playing a vital role.

Educație excepțională - Creșterea calității întâlnirilor la University of Central Florida

Exceptional Education Institute Toni Jennings (TJEEI) de la University of Central Florida este dedicat promovării cercetării și în pregătirea și păstrarea celor mai buni profesori și educatori profesioniști pentru copiii și adulții cu nevoi speciale. O soluție Yamaha ADECIA Wireless a îmbunătățit radical întâlnirile online și hibride, făcând experiențele de colaborare mult mai productive.

Music of Peace - Yamaha and NEXO Help Vietnam’s Buddhists Celebrate

In May 2024, Ho Chi Minh City Buddhist Cultural Committee marked the 2568th birthday of the Buddha with a special concert in the Vietnamese capital. Live and broadcast audio were mixed on a Yamaha DM7 console, with a NEXO PA system bringing the sound of peace and healing to the live audience.

Rich Natural Acoustics - AFC Improves the sound of Seocho Culture & Arts Center

Seocho Culture & Arts Center in Seoul, South Korea, is a multi-purpose arts venue which hosts lectures, theatre productions and a wide range of musical performances. A Yamaha and NEXO Active Field Control (AFC) immersive audio system has improved its acoustics for audiences and performers alike.

Small but Powerful - RIVAGE PM3 Tours with Paloma Faith

Singer/songwriter Paloma Faith’s UK and European tour to promote her latest album The Glorification of Sadness featured a Yamaha RIVAGE PM3 digital mixing system at front of house. It gave engineer Gabriele ‘Gabe’ Nicotra the best of both worlds on a tour where maximum flexibility and audio quality had to be fitted into difficult touring logistics.

Legendary FOH Michael “Coach” Conner - Capturing the Live Essence of Steely Dan and Paul Simon

While many FOH engineers refine their mix by playing back Steely Dan's sounds, Mike "Coach" Conner makes it a reality nightly on tour with the band. Captivating audiences with unparalleled sonic fidelity, he achieves this through meticulous preparation and innovative use of both analog and digital tools. Conner seamlessly translates complex recordings into live experiences that rival the originals, ensuring every performance sounds as close to the studio recording as possible. With a decades-long career working with icons like Donald Fagen, Steely Dan, and Paul Simon, he has earned acclaim from both artists and fans alike.

Sync-Beat Success - Concertul unic celebrează 70 de ani de școală de muzică Yamaha

În mai 2024, Yamaha Music School și-a sărbătorit cea de-a 70-a aniversare cu un concert unic la Yamaha Music Hall din Ginza, Tokyo. Reunind renumitul duo pop/rock japonez Sukima Switch și spectacole preînregistrate ale a 330 de muzicieni amatori, Concertul Yamaha Music School x Sukima Switch Sync-Beat a fost posibil prin sunetul captivant al unui sistem Yamaha Active Field Control (AFC).

Atmosfera perfectă - Hanoi se bucură de sunetele Japoniei

Gyu Shige este un lanț japonez de baruri pentru grătar și sake, cu peste 160 de restaurante în toată zona Asiei. La cel mai recent punct de vânzare din Hanoi, Vietnam, un sistem muzical Yamaha completează mâncarea și băutura de înaltă calitate cu atmosfera japoneză perfectă.

Gustul de fericire - vietnamezii se relaxează cu muzica Yamaha

Pe lângă mâncarea excelentă, fiecare restaurant de succes are nevoie de o atmosferă atrăgătoare. Cu sunetul spațiului la fel de important ca și aspectul, două pizzerii foarte diferite din capitala vietnameză Hanoi au ales sisteme muzicale Yamaha.